

And I walked into the door held open for me by the smiling salesperson.

It was huge. Bigger than one could ever imagine. Cars, from every available era, every available colour, size, specs, and the whole lot.

I was mesmerized by the variety available to me. But I know, I know only have the budget for one car. As I walked through the rows and rows of cars, I came to an unfortunate conclusion – I could spend my lifetime trying to choose a car from here, but I’ll never finish looking through all of them. So I took a deep breath, and made my decision. 

Well, I suppose sometimes you’ll never get to look through all the options available before coming to a decision, but every decision made without all that information could be just as good as the decision made with.

Who knows, if I could live forever, maybe at the end of it all, I’ll look back and wondered why I wasted so much time trying to decide, but never deciding.

Maybe love’s like that. Maybe we’ll never get to travel the world to meet every person, to see which one could be the best. But just maybe, maybe the best is right in front of our eyes.