
that guy seems to think (part 3)

I stood up and walked forlornly towards the withering tree. I could feel the roughness of the bark as I laid my hand on it. I punched it. I don’t know why, but I did it. It was a mixture of pain and numbness, but it was the same for me emotionally, so it didn’t really make a difference to me.

I tried to muster some hope in me. Memories are all that I will cling on to now. Maybe someday, someday in the future, we’ll be together again.

Maybe one day you’ll wake up and find that you’re missing me.

Maybe one day I’ll hold you in my arms once again. Maybe one day we’ll be able to watch the stars from the balcony together again. Maybe we’ll be able to take a long drive to nowhere for no reason and still have fun.

But for now, this will be the day - the day I said goodbye.

To the dude who I have no idea what his name is, and his secret admirer, Ezza Melina.