

vision this vision that, people always talk about having vision....even our country has this vision, WAWASAN 2020 which was declared during year 1991.

why is vision so important?the bible explains it well.

--- "where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29v18a ---

what exactly is vision? oxford dictionary defines vision as the ability to think about the future with imagination or wisdom. John R Molt said in the American Magazine that vision is a capacity.... to see what others do not see; to see further then they see, to see before they see

it has been said that people of vision can see the invisible, hear the inaudible, believe the incredible, think the unthinkable, and do the impossible.

vision has played a important part in lifes of many famous people. alot say dare to dream, don't just think narrowly, dream big....
the people who have shaped history have always been great visionaries. Martin Luther King was one such visionary who made history with his "I have a dream" speech. Walt Disney, long before he became famous, said, "all our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. if you can dream it, you can do it." 
           ---what the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can acheive---

many people always have visions or dreams. but most tend to forget the important part of a vision. that is vision with no action is merely a daydream. walt disney has become the perfect excuse for people who love to daydream. but walt disney wouldn't have acheive what he had if he just sat back and dream big. what he did was striving to achieve his dreams. now mickey mouse is globally known. 

          ___dare to dream big, but strive to acheive it.be strong and courageous to pursue your dreams and visions___